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What Is Your Gift To Give?

Writer's picture: Pivotal Coaching Pivotal Coaching

Updated: Dec 4, 2019

The past, present and future for people and events

A coach is always focused on the future and the potential it offers. The holidays bring a time where we get to expand our forward-thinking mindset and take time to appreciate the past, present, AND the future. As you busy yourself with visiting, travelling, decorating, cooking, shopping and all of the holiday mayhem, I encourage you to make time to take it all in. Recall memories from the past. Pause to look at those around you and offer help. Meaningfully connect with those important to you.

While reflecting on the past, growing up in a military family is a prominent memory for me. The holidays always created new adventures, new friends, and new traditions. Usually in a different location each year and miles away from our immediate family, we could always count on one thing – our table would be surrounded with other fellow travellers. These dinners created unforgettable memories for me. Getting carried away in storytelling and sharing family holiday recipes helped turn strangers into family. Still today, my husband and I continue to host and attend family dinners that include dear friends who are considered to be part of the family.

What do you hold dearly from seasons past?

The holidays are entrenched with traditions unique to each family and community. Be it a gift exchange, dinner with once strangers, or a parade of lights, seasons past have created the tiny gift of memories that transcends many years in time. Each year, we hold onto these feelings and memories dearly and look forward to reliving the bonds created. As we approach this holiday season, or maybe it is well underway for you, take a moment to remember and reflect on a favorite memory from seasons past.

What is your gift for seasons present?

The act of giving is more prominent in our minds this time of year. Perhaps giving is already a part of your holiday tradition, something you do year-round, or maybe it is new to you. The seasons of giving is unique to us all and has many different applications. Consider what your special gift is: food, help, thanks, appreciation, love, family, friendship, or time. The value of these gifts if yours to create. This season consider the possibility of giving a gift that has no monetary value.

What will future seasons hold?

Each holiday season, we take time to remember memories past but also look to the future for the possibility of creating new ones. You hold the influence and ability to create these memories in a way that fits you. When you think of the future, who will you be? What is your potential for creating unexpected memories? How will you create memories that extend beyond this holiday season?

One act of giving that I look forward to every year is my time spent supporting Feed Nova Scotia. I give leadership, time and money to help their fundraising efforts to provide food security to Nova Scotians. I am grateful for what I am able to give and appreciative of what I get back from working with the amazing team at Feed Nova Scotia. In receipt of my time, I am given the gift of belonging and purpose.

I am thankful every day for the memories created by my family, friends, clients, colleagues, business network, and community. While writing this, I am reflecting on what I can do to show my thanks and appreciation. The best way I know how is through spending quality, uninterrupted time with them to participate and engage in meaningful conversations.

I would love to hear the reflections and stories this post creates for you.

This holiday season, let’s reflect on memories past, the ones being created in the present and what we have to look forward to in the future.


Lisa W. Haydon is the President and Founder of Pivotal Coaching Inc. She left her comfortable corporate career several years ago to follow her passion of helping people realize their potential and companies to realize high performance. Lisa is a growth focused entrepreneur, leadership development consultant and certified executive coach. To her clients, she brings business experience with prestigious corporations and continuous education. Lisa’s work in business operations and B to B sales expertise allowed her to create a differentiated coaching model and client experience. Lisa and Pivotal Coaching are known for 1:1 and cohort Programs in leadership development and sales effectiveness.

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